That is to say, all work is honorable. I also suffer from insults. This is the person who is tired.
So, what is the dignity of a working person?
Here again, what is "honor"?
To many people, honor is a source of pride. Like a public display's, they think of it as a famous brand.
You can argue if you do not agree, but let me give you an example. It was one of those moody times when he would break into endless soliloquy with himself. My daughter has graduated. As a girl, when the other job was not suitable, I asked the teacher to work for me. You are an honor to be a teacher." You may have heard similar meanings around you, though not exactly. Can you really be kind to your teacher, focusing on the goal of "honor"? How much can he immerse his life in "teaching" work? How much self-sacrifice and dedication can you do?
It is frightening to think that the role of a "teacher" in a country without realizing how important the role of a "teacher" is for a country would be "tragic" and that it would hurt hundreds of thousands of students in their lives.
I have noticed that many of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to choosing a job.
- What is the nature of your work?
- Do you fit in with your mood?
- How much dedication can you put into this work?
- Can you dedicate your whole life to this job?
We should think about each other.
(If you are out of work and out of place… there will be a lot of harm on both sides of him)
One of my girlfriends graduated and took a diploma course. Computer Accountant, English, French, Chinese and I'm not sure if it's because I don't know what to do with it. I have a lot of certificates to attend all the courses. And hey, hey, hey, what good is a website if it simply "blends in" with everything else out there? You will be able to dress comfortably and not sweat. But that is not an honor. You want to get a good salary. That is not an honor either. They are just ornaments. So what "honor"?
- We must consciously choose a "job" with the intention of doing it wholeheartedly and willingly (without any other promptings or temptations).
- While making such a choice, you will be ridiculed, criticized and also be punished. Like the cow in the story, you have to be able to persevere without complaining.
- Even endurance like that is the "honor" that passes the "human" mark test.